What’s the Real Cost of Owning a Generator?

real cost of owning a generator

Buying a generator might seem like a straightforward expense, but the initial purchase price is only a part of the story. The real cost of owning a generator spans beyond just buying the unit, including installation, maintenance, and operation costs.

In this article, we delve into the true expenses tied to generator ownership, offering a comprehensive guide that will help you make an informed decision. Join us as we explore the real financial commitment involved in ensuring reliable power supply through a generator.

Initial Investment: The Purchase Price

The first expense you’ll encounter in owning a generator is the purchase price. This cost can range significantly, depending on the type and power capacity. Small, portable generators may cost a few hundred dollars. In contrast, larger standby models can be several thousand.

Take, for example, Jim’s experience. Jim, a homeowner from Ohio, bought a mid-sized portable generator for $800. It provided enough power for his essential appliances during outages. Understanding this initial investment is the first step in understanding the real cost of owning a generator.

Installation Costs: An Important Consideration

Standby generators require professional installation. This process can be expensive, often equal to or sometimes exceeding the generator’s purchase price.

Sarah, a homeowner in New York, purchased a $5000 standby generator. The installation, including the transfer switch and wiring, cost her an additional $5000. This cost is often overlooked, but it’s a significant part of the real cost of owning a generator.

Maintenance and Repair: A Necessary Expense

Generators need regular maintenance to operate reliably. This includes oil changes, filter replacements, and general inspection. Moreover, any required repairs will add to the cost.

George, who owns a small business in Florida, sets aside $300 annually for his generator’s maintenance. This upkeep helps prevent costly repairs down the line, highlighting maintenance as a crucial part of the real cost of owning a generator.

Operational Costs: Fuel and More

Generators run on fuel – be it gasoline, propane, diesel, or natural gas. The cost of fuel should be factored into the overall ownership cost.

Take Laura’s case, who lives off-grid in Oregon. Her diesel generator uses about $50 worth of fuel per week. Over a year, this adds up, demonstrating how operational costs contribute significantly to the real cost of owning a generator.

When considering the purchase of a generator, understanding the real cost of owning a generator is essential. This cost includes the purchase price, installation costs, ongoing maintenance, and operational costs. Although a significant investment, the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ll always have power, even during an outage, can make a generator worth every penny.

Learn more about generators at our blog.

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